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Usach is Working with the Universities FH Munster and Pontificia Bolivariana on a Dual Degree Project

August 29, 2019
Authorities from the University of Applied Sciences FH Münster from Germany and the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB) from Colombia are visiting different offices at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile in order to work on a joint project that promotes student, academic and researcher mobility among the three universities.
The project "Mobility and International Cooperation through Digitization" would grant dual degrees to engineering students from FH Münster, USACH and UPB by means of the digitization of the programs and strengthening ties among the three entities.
"The idea is to work together this week on the final proposal that we want to expose to the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). This proposal considers three main objectives: 1. Create a bachelor's dual degree for engineers among our universities based on the current dual degree program “Cala" (German-Latin American Career in Administration). 2. Digitize engineering programs. 3. Use digital formats to enhance online student exchange for those who cannot develop an on-site exchange program for any reason, promoting international and intercultural skills", commented Professor PhD Frank Dellmann, Vice President for Teaching and International Affairs at FH Münster.
On the other hand, the General Chancellor of the UPB, Mr. Julio Ceballos Sepúlveda, stresses, "this helps us to have a very successful academic partnership, because we have many things in common that we can take advantage from ourselves.”
First day of proposal development
The working day began on August 26 in the Auditorium of the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DIMEC in Spanish). Delegations from FH Münster, USACH and UPB participated.
The director of the Department of International and Interuniversity Relations (DRII), Anoek van den Berg, exposed the guidelines and collaboration agreements that USACH has with other institutions worldwide.
The Academic Vice-Rector of USACH, PhD Juan Carlos Retamal, who attended the morning session, exposed about the educational model of the institution, a presentation that authorities from the UPM and FH Münster made as well.
The professor of the DIMEC and director of the Innovation Center of the Faculty of Engineering, PhD Alejandro Gutiérrez, also exposed on the educational guidelines of the FING and the Department of Mechanical Engineering. "As our vision states, DIMEC seeks to be recognized not only nationally, but internationally. For this reason, this type of activities are important for the visibility of the department", the academic said.
Francisco Valenzuela, Deputy Director of Outreach, Social Engagement and International Affairs, and member of the USACH delegation, emphasizes that the role of DIMEC "is an active one by being a fundamental stakeholder during the project period in order to meet the commitments agreed.”
The next days of the working project consider a meeting with the President of our university, Mr. Juan Manuel Zolezzi, and a meeting with students of the Mechanical Civil Engineering and Engineering of Execution in Mechanics programs.
The outcome of this work would be presented to the DAAD. Universities members expect it to be approved and receive the necessary funds. This future program would start with a pilot plan for the Mechanical Engineering students of the three institutions involved.
Written by Sabrina Quezada
Translated by Alexandra Cabrera